Product Review:
“Jamorama Lead Guitar– the Ultimate Lead Guitar and Soloing Kit”
Jamorama Lead Guitar is an advanced guitar course suitable for intermediate guitarists, for example, those who have already completed Jamorama!
Jamorama Lead Guitar is made up of 43 video lessons that take the student from intermediate level through to being a competent lead guitarist playing like a pro. The student will master impressive lead guitar skills like hammer-ons, pull-offs, slides, whole bends, half bends, ghost bends, runs, motifs, vibrato, legato and much, much more.
Jamorama Lead Guitar is based on the Jamorama Guitar Learning Kit that is widely recognized at the best guitar course available.
The Jamorama Lead Guitar Kit specifically targets the guitar player with some experience who wants to take his or her playing to the next level - soloing.
The course comes with 29 Jam Tracks in a variety of styles including
>12 bar blues
>minor blues
>slow country
>fast country
>modern punk
>classic 60s rock
>modern rock
>jazz and 50s style rock 'n roll
The student can play and learn IN CONTEXT with the course materials.
Jamorama Lead Guitar also comes with five free bonuses that make this a truly COMPLETE learning experience. These bonuses include:
>JaydeMusica Pro
>Advanced Learning Techniques for Guitar
>Guitar Tuner Pro and How to Tune Your Guitar
>The Jamorama Metronome
These games and resources make the monotony of learning to read music fun, and also help students to develop their ear for transcribing their favorite songs from the radio. Both games are professionally designed, and are invaluable in developing the key skills necessary in being a better musician.
Also included is a free online consultation to customers who may have a specific training problem they would like to address.
This package is impressive because it fills a need for a "lead" guitar course in the Jamorama learning style. It covers lead skills with IN DEPTH, step by step lessons.
Jamorama Lead Guitar comes with a 60 day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee.