Jamorama The Ultimate Guitar Learning Kit

“Jamorama – the Ultimate Guitar Learning Kit” -
Product Review:
The Jamorama team have developed a new version of the extremely popular learn guitar course that has set the standard for online and downloadable guitar courses. The new versions of the two books, Jamorama Beginners and Jamorama Advanced, are already proving to be one of the most popular guitar learning guides on the market.
Jamorama has 64 new video examples and exercises. That makes 148 videos in all that perfectly compliment the five exclusive computer games aand ebooks that come in the Jamorama Learning Kit. These speed the learning of musical notes, transcribing and and reading written music. They include:
>JaydeMusica Pro
>GuitarTuner Pro and How to Tune Your guitar
>The Jamorama Metronome
>Advanced Learning Techniques for Guitar
These games and learning aids make the monotony of learning to read music fun, and also help students to develop their ear for transcribing their favorite songs from the radio. Both games are professionally designed, and are invaluable in developing the key skills necessary in being a better musician. The training techniques alone will cut your learning time in half.
Also included is free online consultation to customers and access to the Jamorama Members' Forum where they can get help with specific training problem.
This package is impressive because it is one of the most complete packages regarding the whole process of learning the guitar, from strumming, muting and bending, to timing, reading music and transcribing.
It is even more impressive as all parts of the Jamorama Learning Kit work so well together to make learning to play the guitar as fast and enjoyable as possible.

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Jamorama The Ultimate Guitar Learning Kit