Team Method guitar

Team Method Guitar
Finally, someone has come up with a better way to learn to play the guitar! In fact it’s such a simple concept that it’s amazing that someone hasn’t done this until now.
Team Method Guitar is a guitar course put together and taught by a team of guitar experts. They have specialists for acoustic, lead, theory and many more areas. By using a team approach the guitar player learns a variety of methods and styles and doesn’t pick up bad habits or any one particular style.
Team method Guitar is also a MASSIVE course. There are six books with almost 500 pages of information, 10 DVDs and CDs with video lessons and play along jam tracks, several mini courses covering playing by ear and acoustic guitar, and several software games to speed learning.
You shouldn’t confuse Team method Guitar with other guitar sites that offer lessons and tips from different teachers. TMG is definitely a GUITAR COURSE, not just random tips and tricks.
Perhaps the most impressive thing among some very impressive features of this course is that Team Method Guitar offers students live support. In fact you can talk online with the actual team members who helped put the course together. In this day of impersonal internet marketing this personal touch is in itself amazing.
Team Method Guitar is the Rolls Royce of guitar courses. It’s hard to imagine anything that these guys have left out. About the only negative is that being the top end of the market means that this course isn’t cheap, but you certainly get your money’s worth, and if money is an issue they also offer a less-expensive downloadable version.
If you are serious about learning to play guitar then you really must consider Team Method Guitar. In my opinion it’s a “10”.